Monday, August 21, 2006


Positive Experience/Entertaining? OH MAN, this was the most fun I've had in a movie theater in AGES. It's a terrible movie, but was so much fun that I couldn't help but be entertained. Of course, the rowdy and very vocal crowd definitely made this movie enjoyable.
Technically any good? Wow, the script was predictable. I think there was one honest surprise in the film and it's so memorable that I can't recall it. Sam Jackson is awesome as always, but acting-wise, he's the only remarkable person in the movie. The actor playing the lead witness character was about as bad as bad gets. The FX were strong, but it was fairly easy to pick out the fakes on a plane over the actual snakes.
How did it leave me feeling? The film itself didn't leave me entertained. It's thorough badness and the movie theater audience's thorough embracing of it's badness was what left me completely (and thoroughly) entertained. What ever you do don't see this movie alone. Go with the rowdiest people you know or rent it but invite all of your friends over and make sure they're ready to slam this movie because it is not good. But sometimes not good can be a whole lot of fun.
Final Rating? SIYL (See If You Like this kind of movie--rated R, a bit of nudity and a LOT of people dying on camera--more people dying than I've seen in a while.)

Orignal From: SNAKES ON A PLANE (2006)

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