Friday, October 20, 2006


Positive Experience/Entertaining? Yeah--very much so. Especially if you're concerned that the novel 1984 seems to be less and less fictional the more you pay attention to how our government and our money works.
Technically any good? This documentary really presents only one side of the argument. Is the USA becoming a fascist state? The film's answer is yes and when they asked the government to defend itself, it really doesn't. In fact, in a lot of ways, the US Government seems to confirm the film's theory. So, this is more an opinion piece than a "documentary." However, the film does document an awful lot of disturbing facts. Even a few things I didn't already know (and I know a lot of this stuff).
How did it leave me feeling? Personally, it left me feeling validated. I've done a lot of the same research Aaron Russo (the film maker) has and I've already come to similar conclusions. I think most people will be shocked by what this film says is happening and by the evidence this film uses to backup it's claims. Please see this movie. Decide for yourself if it's full of crap or not.
Final Rating? GSN/RTV - Go See Now or Rent The Video as it has already left Los Angeles theaters (I saw the last screening that I know of in LA) and will be on DVD in December. Please see this film!


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