Friday, May 25, 2007


When ever the US goes to war with a country, we like to send some guys in early to suss out the joint and see what the place is like before we go in guns blazing. Sometimes, like in Cuba, our guys go in and actually mess up the place a bit in order to weaken them before we hit or to help us avoid having to go in at all. The point is, if the guy in the White House starts spouting off about a new country threating America and there are plans drawn up by the Pentagon (as in Iran's case) odds are someone with American blood is already inside said country. is [|reporting] that not only do we have guys inside Iran, but they're mucking up the nuclear works. Here's a cutting:
CBS News has learned that Iran is continuing to make progress on its expanded efforts to enrich uranium — in spite of covert efforts by U.S. and other allied intelligence agencies to actively sabotage the country's nuclear program. "Industrial sabotage is a way to stop the program, without military action, without fingerprints on the operation, and really, it is ideal, if it works," says Mark Fitzpatrick, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Non-Proliferation and now Senior Fellow in Non-Proliferation at the International Institute for Strategic Studies.
So, yaaay. I mean, wait--the sabotage isn't working, so the Iranian "nuculer" program (as too many people are calling it) is moving on. Forget that I've heard Iran is still 4 or 5 years away from having enough weapons grade radioactive stuff to make a bomb (let alone the time to make the bomb itself). Forget that the Iranians keep telling us they only want nuke energy not nuke weapons. No, Iran is clearly a threat--or at least, that seems to be what the Bushies want us to believe. This is why CBS got the info about the US folks inside Iran dropping some monkeys into the wrench factories (how else do you make monkeywrenches??). Doesn't this all seem wonderfully familiar?


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