Friday, September 14, 2007

TheBreastCancerSite.Com Needs Your Help!

Hey there folks. In case you haven't noticed, in the footer of each post at ThePete.Com is a small stack of links to sites I care about. Some are just friends' sites others are sites representing a cause--all of them are very important to me. One of the links is TheBreastCancerSite.Com.

TheBreastCancerSite.Com allows you to help underprivileged women get mammograms that, in turn, help catch breast cancer before it gets too far. To help, just go to TheBreastCancerSite.Com and click on a big pink button. Doing that will display a bunch of ads from advertisers who will then give TBCS money to help pay for mammograms for women who can't afford to get them.


To help more, you can click on the ads you see after the initial click. This encourages advertisers to stay with their support of TheBreastCancerSite.Com.


And thanks!

OH and if you could tell ten people you know to check out TheBreastCancerSite.Com, that'd be great. They're really struggling to get people to click. THANKS!

Orignal From: TheBreastCancerSite.Com Needs Your Help!

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