Friday, July 25, 2008

Wexler's Post-Impeachment Hearing Newsletter

Robert Wexler is one of the guys in DC that is actually pushing for Bush and Cheney to be impeached. Which is great--in that, it's great when people actually bother to do their job. In this case, it's the job of Congress to oversee the Executive Branch--a job they've been shirking for, oh, about the entire time Bush has been in the White House. So, finally, now that there are about six more months left in Bush's 8-year reign over America (and the world), Wexler and pals are actually doing their job. Today they held hearings and what follows is Wexler's email to me and the other folks on his mailing list, along with a bit of commentary.

Dear Pete,

Today, in the Judiciary Committee, we held a full day of hearings that focused entirely on the crimes of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney,


and featured testimony by Rep. Dennis Kucinich regarding his Articles of Impeachment against President Bush.

...oh--Kucinich--he's the impish guy with the hot wife, right?

This is a great start – but I am far from satisfied.

That makes two of us.

Following statements by Chairman John Conyers and the Ranking Republicans,

A great band name! "John Conyers and the Ranking Republicans!!" I saw them play at the Roxy and they were GREAT. Can't believe they're not acoustic anymore though. :(

I opened with a forceful call for genuine and immediate Impeachment Hearings for President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

Well it's usually better to open with a joke. But that's cool--I bet you still got a laugh. ;)

The crimes of this Administration must be revealed and Bush and Cheney must be held accountable.

Ooo, that's a 10-point penalty for double-anding!

Oh wait--maybe he meant to use a "&". I'll let it go, THIS time. o_O

Without Impeachment Hearings, we cannot break through the blatant and unprecedented efforts by President Bush to shut down legitimate oversight by this Congress.

Legitimate? I'll settle for ANY.

As you know, President Bush has inappropriately and repeatedly invoked Executive Privilege to keep Karl Rove, Harriet Miers, Josh Bolten, and other White House officials from complying with legal, Congressional Subpoenas.

Not to mention invading a couple countries without provocation in violation of the UN Charter and by default international law--but that Executive Privilege thing is annoying, too.

I believe the only appropriate remedy is to hold Impeachment Hearings.

That I completely agree with. Please, Congressman Wexler, go on.



Donate for WHAT? Huh?

While Inherent Contempt might dislodge some testimony or at least guarantee the appearance of witnesses, the larger concern is the President's outrageous abuse of Executive Privilege.

Well, that and his sanctioned use of torture against terror suspects, but yeah, that Executive Privilege thing is a bitch.

We have been down this road before: in 1973, Articles of Impeachment were introduced against President Nixon after he illegally tried to use Executive Privilege to bury evidence of his wrongdoings.

Which were ultimately ignored when he resigned. The USG could have even brought criminal charges against Nixon, but they didn't so Ford could announce that "Our long national nightmare is over."

Sadly, we didn't have to go back to sleep to experience our current one.

I fully recognize the significance of holding Impeachment Hearings, and I have not come to this position lightly – but when the President of the United States takes actions that amount to high crimes, we are left with no other option than to seek his impeachment and removal from office.

You know, you didn't even have to wait that long--according to the GOA he violated federal covert propaganda law years ago.

Our government was founded upon a delicate balance of powers – whereby one branch carefully checks the other branches to prevent a dangerous consolidation of power.

Yeah, I heard about that--how's that working out, by the way?

President Bush's actions have totally destroyed this careful balance.

Ohhhh. :(

Without these checks and balances, the President could run roughshod over any law and turn us into a nation...
...where wars can be waged based on lies
...and laws can be rewritten without the input of Congress or the American people.

Thank God that hasn't happened to OUR country!

...ohhhhhh! =(

Congress must end this disturbing pattern of behavior, and in these circumstances, the only option left is impeachment.

Indeed! OK, Congressman, you're on a roll! Please keep going!!



What the hell??? Why do you keep throwing donation links at the readers of your newsletter, man??

Since when do you need donations to do your job?? Don't you HAVE a salary?? Don't I already pay it in the form of taxes???


This is not a partisan issue: Congress is a co-equal branch of government with the Executive, and it cannot allow this attack on our powers to go unanswered.

Yeah, that would be like letting the guy behind 911 get away!

...oh wait.

To ignore these actions is tantamount to a willful concession of our rights as legislators.

Not to mention your responsibilitieeeeeeez!


No Democrat, Republican, or Independent should allow Congress' powers to be so undermined.

Yeah! Especially since Congress already let that happen all by themselves!

Nor should Congress allow the calendar to determine whether we should ignore abuses of office.

You mean like it did back in 2000 with determining who "won" the 2000 election?

Maybe not.

No President should be given immunity and free-reign just because there are only a few months left in their term.

Or seventy-two months?

Impeachment Hearings can be held very quickly – in a manner of weeks.


*offer void in the contiguous United States.

Although today we don't have the votes to impeach today –

Oooo, double-use of "today"--that'll cost you points!

...neither did the Judiciary Committee investigating President Nixon until AFTER hearings were held and the truth was revealed. We must put a halt to this historic Administrative power grab.

Not to mention the lies they still tell us about how well things are now going in Iraq.

Congress has not lived up to its promises, and we can no longer credibly claim that impeachment would upset our agenda.

AGENDA?? Who said anything about an agenda?? This is Washington DC! We don't have agendas!!

...we have campaign promises!


j/k ;)

Our agenda has not withstood presidential vetoes or senatorial filibusters. If we do nothing, this session will be remembered for our conceding the rightful and constitutional powers of Congress, and little more.

Uh, what else have you guys done?

Is there anything less than nothing?

I am unbowed in my determination for Impeachment Hearings

Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts.

You going to encourage criminal prosecution after he's out of office?

and I know you feel the same way.

I felt the same way YEARS ago, motherfucker*.

*That one was for George Carlin!

Encourage your friends to stay updated and demonstrate their support by signing up at

Um, NO.

As always, thank you for your kind emails, contributions, and encouragement.

Congressman Robert Wexler



Paid for by "Wexler for Congress"


Orignal From: Wexler's Post-Impeachment Hearing Newsletter

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