Thursday, April 16, 2009

JP Morgan Shows Larger Profit than Expected...When does that crap start to trickle down?

This is what I'm wondering right now: if one of the biggest banks in

the country can show a profit in today's tough times WHY IS THAT?

And also: when the hell do we see some benefits of their profits in

the economy and OH YEAH: when do we see the money that bailed out

banks paid back to the government?

ONE OTHER THING: are We, The People going to see any of those profits

in our own pockets in the form of stimulus checks? Seems only fair--

after all, we're putting up with this horribly flawed, lopsided (in

favor of the rich) system, shouldn't there be something in it for us?

Orignal From: JP Morgan Shows Larger Profit than Expected...When does that crap start to trickle down?

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