Wednesday, April 01, 2009

ThePhlog Returns!!

Back in the hay day of the first Internet bubble, there was a website called It was a spin-off of only it would eventually go belly-up. This was sad for a lot of folks, including me--I was doing a series called "ThePhlog" (ThePhone Log) where I would phone in blog posts from where ever I happened to be. This was kinda fun, and now that I live in NYC I kind of miss the ability to phone in a blog post from where ever I am. Well, as luck would have it, there's a new service called AudioBoo.FM which is very similar to that old AudioBlogger site, only instead of phoning it in, you iPhone it in.

AudioBoo.FM has an iPhone app that you use to record audio clips up to 5 minutes long. So, now it RETURNS!! I have no idea how they'll make money, but they've got a stack of users and they're free, so HERE WE GO!!

What follows below are the first 3 eps of the new ThePhlog podcast!! YEAH!!

OH and you can subscribe via iTunes right now!! Here's the iTunes link: itpc://

Or just subscribe in your regular podcatcher:

OK, here are the flash players!

ThePhlog For April 1, 2009: Obama Watch! 07.55pm 01/04/2009


ThePhlog Out On The Town 07.32am 28/03/2009


Buy it!
ThePhlog returns? Just Testing 06.46pm 27/03/2009


Now if only I could get each new post to import into Wordpress as it's own WP post! Ah well...

Orignal From: ThePhlog Returns!!

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