Thursday, July 16, 2009 says Israel Preparing for Potential Attack Iran is reporting that Israeli

warships are positioning themselves in the Suez Canal in preparation

for a possible invasion of Iran

Speaking strictly as the fiction writer and the observer of world

events that I am, I must say the timing of this does make some amount

of tactical (if I'm using the word correctly) sense from the Israeli

standpoint. Iran is a mess after its government cracked down, rather

oppressively, on protestors (mostly students, apparently). There's

been talk for the past month of a complete revolution in Iran--the

leaders can't seem to decide if their recent election counts or even

if the ballots were properly counted and it's not the easiest thing to

get an accurate account of the state of things inside Iranian borders

due to a crackdown on foreign press.

So, with that kind of chaos--a stumbling government and a rather large

contingent of their citizens feeling pretty rebellious, Israel may

have picked a perfect time for invasion--one that just might catch the

Iranian military at a place where they simply will not have their shit

together enough to defend against an attack.

The theory before the recent Iranian crackdown was that even though

the populace didn't seem to generally care for the leadership, said

leaders could still rally the Iranian people to rise up and defend the

country from any outside attackers. After showing such bloodthirsty

instincts on it's own people, Iran's leaders just might find it harder

to get support from those people--at least, that's what I bet Israel

is thinking.

Does this mean an Israeli attack on Iran is moral or even legal? No

and no--not from my perspective, anyway. Iran would have to attack

Israel in order to make an attack on Iran legal in the eyes of the UN

Charter (aka international law). On a moral level (think the Golden

Rule) Israel can't invade a country that may be talking shit, but

isn't doing shit to mess with them--so how could Israel feel the need

to attack? But then, Israel is the country that's been occupying a

people for decades for no easily discernible reason, so anything is


No, I don't hate Jews, nor do I hate Israel. I just don't like what

their government is doing. Drawing first blood is never a good

thing--end of story. PR, rhetoric, even blatant threats do NOT

justify an attack on another country. ONLY an unprovoked attack from

that country justifies an attack on it.

So, let's hope Israel is just going for a sail.

Fingers crossed!

Orignal From: says Israel Preparing for Potential Attack Iran

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