Monday, August 17, 2009

Oh the Hypocritical Lies: Death Panels have been around for years...


This is what I'm calling the voices against health care reform.

These people are either the biggest idiots or the biggest liars (with

Sarah Palin, it's very hard to tell).

So, Palin and others are "scared" there will be these government death

panels deciding who lives and who dies based on how sick you are.

What a crock. Companies have had this power for years now.

recently did a piece called "The

'death panels' are already here
." The Salon piece mentions the

case of Nataline Sarkisyan, who died in 2007 after insurance company

Cigna dragged their feet because they decided a liver transplant

wouldn't save her life (she later died without the transplant).

Sounds pretty death-panelrific to me, but I remembered a case from

further back--after about 30 seconds of Googling I found an excerpt on

Michael Moore's YouTube page from his old series The Awful

where he explored the case of Christopher Donahue,

a man who's insurance company, Humana, was refusing to pay for the

pancreas transplant
he needed to survive. Michael Moore held a

funeral for Donahue outside of Humana's headquarters, which Donahue,

himself, attended. Before long, Humana caved and paid for the

transplant, but as we saw years later with Nataline Sarkisyan, not all

companies are as "generous" as Humana.

So, the next time you hear someone praise the free market for all

things, think about this kind of situation.

If we truly believe all humans have the right to life, liberty and the

pursuit of happiness, doesn't the "right to life" mean we have to make

sure everyone can get health care? And if companies are going to put

their "right" to make as much money above our right to life, doesn't

that mean that these corporations are anti-American and, really,

anti-human? Pretty bizarre that they're in the "business" of

providing health care insurance when they look to ways to avoid

doing just that.

So, UNBELIEVABLE, once again, that these idiots or assholes honestly

think the government would institute death panels when they've existed

for over a decade. That's right--the Michael Moore show, The

Awful Truth
episode I described above was aired in 1999.

We've had death panels since last century--thanks, Sarah Palin (and

others), for finally getting around to noticing just now.

Orignal From: Oh the Hypocritical Lies: Death Panels have been around for years...

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