Wednesday, December 01, 2010

EFFYOU.ORG: EFFYOU to anyone who thinks WikiLeaks should be stopped

EFFYOU to anyone who thinks WikiLeaks should be stopped
posted by thepete on link) ♥ 1

The whole problem with absolute power is that there can’t possibly be a check or balance placed on it. In case you haven’t noticed, America has no check or balance on it currently and hasn’t had one in quite a while. No military is stronger than America’s and only a few economic powers could ever hope to compete with the US economy (despite it’s recent and huge collapse).

So, why all the tough talk regarding WikiLeaks? WikiLeaks has no military, no national economy, very few ways to defend itself and it’s only power or influence in the world is through words.

Why are so many world leaders afraid of what words might end up on Perhaps it’s because those words draw attention to behavior that would normally not be acceptable if it were done in public?

If that’s the case, then why is it being done?

If your government is doing things in private that it couldn’t get away with in public, your government is doing bad things and should be stopped.

Who is more to blame for a child’s death when he or she is shot in combat? The soldier who pulled the trigger, thinking he was facing an enemy, or the commanding officer who ordered the soldier into the position in the first place?

Please read the rest at Thanks.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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