Thursday, August 09, 2007

THE COLD WAR IS BACK! Can We Drop the Al Qaeda Thing Now?

So, I'm checking out my feed from FeedCrier.Com on my Sidekick 3 and I see headline that went something like this:

Russian Bomber Flies Over American City

I thought it was a story about a Russian bomber being restored to flight-status for an air show on American soil. Boy, was I wrong. This is the real deal--the Cold War is back, bitches!

Here's the article I clicked through to:

And here is a cutting:
Russia's strategic bombers have resumed the Soviet Union's Cold War practice of flying long-haul missions to areas patrolled by NATO and the United States, generals said on Thursday.

Oh, is that all... HUUUUH???

Yep, for realz. They're flying over our bases again.

I'd just like to give a big shout out to George W. for being the guy in the White House when the world turned the clock back twenty years.

Orignal From: THE COLD WAR IS BACK! Can We Drop the Al Qaeda Thing Now?

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