Wednesday, October 29, 2008


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Positive Experience/Entertaining? Definitely entertaining, but definitely depressing. For a control freak like me watching movies about people on the edge of destroying their own lives is hard to do.

Technically any good? The script was very solid and entirely believable. It was just depressing as hell. The acting was equally solid. It was nice to see Danny Trejo in a film where he wasn't a hitman or some other kind of killer. It was also great to see Giancarlo Esposito in anything at all (he's great in EVERYthing). The movie does a great job of deeply portraying characters who are themselves not deep as they try determine what is best for their own lives (this was the part that was hard for me to watch as a control freak). Director/writer Laurie Collyer does an excellent job in directing. The movie is very much on the flawless side.

How did it leave me feeling? Entirely satisfied. It was interesting to watch a movie that wasn't about a driving throughline, but instead focuses on the characters' choices, right or wrong. Most stories feature characters who are forced to choose one thing or another. Sherrybaby shows us characters that have options, but perhaps not the capability to make the best choices for themselves. The film ends up being about how the characters make their decisions.

What I got from the movie is to remember that we, as individuals, always have options and that very little forces us to react one way or another.

Final Rating? SIYL - See If You Like - this movie is not for everyone. It's depressing and there is nudity, sex and drugs. It's not romantic sex, either. It's depressing sex (the drugs are depressing, too). But see it if you love strong performances, especially from women. Maggie Gyllenhaal is great.

Orignal From: SHERRYBABY (2006)

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