Friday, February 06, 2009

Cole Bombing Charges Dropped--What the Hell?

OK, when I saw this headline, I have to admit that I thought "See
that? Another faulty terrorist case! Looks like the USG can't catch a
real terrorist to save their lives."
Then I realized, that's not what this story is about. According to
that article at, it turns out that "The U.S. dropped charges against the alleged mastermind of the bomb attack on the USS Cole while the Obama administration considers how to handle terrorist suspects detained at Guantanamo, the Defense Department said."
Because Obama wants to close Gitmo charges were dropped?
That makes no sense. That's like saying: "Well, I'm thinking about
buying a car, might as well send my current car to the junk yard!"
Noooo, see, just because putting these guys on trial under military
law is unfair, it doesn't mean charges should be dropped and they
should go free--I mean, who ever said this? Obama never said "let's
free everyone at Guantanamo" did he?
So why have charges against the Cole Bombing mastermind being dropped?
Maybe it IS a case of the USG not being able to catch a terrorist, after all?

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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