Friday, February 27, 2009

Rant Time: Why are there Still Republicans?

OK, I'll try to keep this short.

We've lost in Iraq.

We've lost in Afghanistan.

911 was allowed to happen.

Hurricane Katrina was bungled.

Our economy is a total, absolute mess.

George W. Bush, a Republican, was in office for 8 years up until about a month ago.

Why are there still Republicans??

Are you people seriously thinking that there's a place for your politics? 8 MILLION more people voted for the Democrat for the White House than they did the Republican.

Newsflash: your point of view is not popular with America, I don't care what color skin your man has or if your man is a woman. Your politics are done.

Your little tea parties and your socnetting and your plans to rebuild your party and retake America are a JOKE. YOU WILL FAIL because you still exclude people. Gays, women and minorities want to be represented equally. You don't do that. You also think torture and terror are just fine so long as they are weapons in YOUR arsenal and fail to see the COMPLETE FLAW in your logic.

So, just go quietly, please.

Let's stop talking about "parties" and start talking about the issues that matter.

We've got problems, stop pretending your party's crappy leadership skills aren't behind most of them and let's start finding solutions. AND FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP BITCHING ABOUT HOW THE DEMOCRATS ARE SPENDING MONEY. CHRIST you think we AREN'T FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION???

Some of you bitch about a few million here, a few hundred thousand there, what about a trillion in useless wars against a useless, loser enemy in two countries that have noting to do with 911? What about spying on Americans? What about the robbing of unalienable rights supposedly guaranteed in the US Constitution to all humans??

And NOTHING the Democrats can do at this point will hurt the country more than Republicans already have.

And yes, I'm broad-stroking all Republicans because if you disagreed with how your party behaved you should have spoken up or LEFT THE PARTY. I was raised to be a good little Democrat and so when they started doing things I didn't like, I LEFT. Now I can't be blamed for their stupidity or their mistakes or anything the Dems do. If you call yourself a Republican, you are giving yourself the same label as George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, John McCain and all the other big-name Republicans that think:

Torture is fine in certain circumstances Banks and businesses should be bailed out for their own mistakes America is weak enough for a few religious freaks in the desert to be a threat There is a pro-abortion movement Women should be paid less than men for the same work

Should I go on? I said I'd keep this short, so I won't.

Take responsibility for yourself and your party's actions and leave it!

Leave the labels, face the problems. Working together we can make the world a better place.

This isn't a diatribe against conservatives or Christians or anyone who shares similar views. It's just a critique against people who call themselves Republicans.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

Orignal From: Rant Time: Why are there Still Republicans?

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