Monday, May 18, 2009

International Monetary Fund sez Earth's Economy on it's Back Until 2010

Last month, the International Monetary Fund (not to be confused with

the Impossible Mission Force) revised their prediction that the

planet's economy would be back on its feet by 2009, saying it wouldn't

likely happen until 2010 at the earliest. Funny how, here it is,

2009, and they decide, as mid-year rapidly approaches, that

the economy won't be out of bed before December 31.

Really? What gave you that idea?

Sheesh. Why does the incompetent news media keep listening to the

incompetent money people who failed to see this mess coming at all?

They lied to hide that things were falling apart, they lied when

things were falling apart, why should we believe any of them now?

What's almost as bad as letting the people who caused this mess stay

in charge so they can fix it? Expecting those same people to be

honest and accurate when it comes to seeing the light at the end of

the tunnel.

If there is ANYTHING I have learned so far this century it's that

there is NOTHING that "experts" in government, finance or business

possess that should allow them to call themselves "experts." Whether

you're Jim Kramer, the dude in the White House, or the doughy white

guy in the picture in the article I capped for this post

(original here: ), odds

are you're so entrenched in the current system you're too blind to see

that system's blatant problems.

After the last, near-decade of messes, I feel like anyone who doesn't

end their claim with the phrase "I could be wrong" should not be

trusted. Hell, I'd be fine with a seeing a simple "IMHO" someplace in

a press release from the WHO or the NHS or NOAA or whomever.

If We, The People, have any brains, we're about to enter another era

like the 1960s, where the motto becomes "Question Everything" because

that's exactly what we should be doing. We've been trusting our

leaders in government and business to keep our civilization running

and we see now that we have been lied to across the board. So we need

to ask questions at every turn--stop trusting big business to tell us

what is going on with big government. Question it all--don't read one

article and be satisfied--find other sources in and outside the

country--talk to people about what you read, compare notes. Think for

yourself and, again, relive that motto from the 1960s: question


This time, though, let's lay of the drugs, OK? I think that crap made

the last generation forget all the stuff they were supposed to

question and that got us back into this mess. It's believed

Thomas Jefferson once said "The cost of freedom is eternal

vigilance." Where Tom said that or not, it's true.

Orignal From: International Monetary Fund sez Earth's Economy on it's Back Until 2010

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