Friday, February 02, 2007

Let's All Accept Global Warming TOGETHER

According to [|an article] at MSNBC.Com, UN experts have released a report that says global warming is 'most likely' to be caused by man. This is much like doctors who say cigarettes probably cause cancer back when people had trouble accepting that. Soon, the connection will be as acepted as the one between cigarettes and cancer. Regardless of anything, the report doesn't seem to deny that global warming exists. So regardless of who/what causes global warming, it's happening and that means we're in for a bumpy ride... Better fire up your solar panels and call Kevin Costner to consult on this whole "water world" thing... That reminds me, I've got to pick me up a pair of flippers-- I do live 20 minutes from the beach after all... the good news is that I'll have beachfront property soon! Well, for a while...

Orignal From: Let's All Accept Global Warming TOGETHER

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