Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So, there's a funny thing going on in Iraq. No, I'm not referring to the occupation, nor the civil war, nor the missing millions of dollars. There's something going on in Iraq that seems to be the latest in typical behavior from the US Government. See, back when Iran was sounding all expansionistic and stuf, the USG funded Iraq in their war against Iran. The idea was to then keep Iraq in check by funding Iran. Later, when the Soviet Union was trying to spread into Afghanistan the USG funded, trained and equipped "freedom fighters" in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. In ALL THREE CASES, the people we were helping later became our enemies. Iran and Iraq (obviously) and later the freedom fighters, which included a certain Osama bin Laden. Whoops! Now, we're at it again. It seems, according to [|a February 25, 2007 article] by Seymour Hersh at NewYorker.Com the USG is funding one set of insurgents to keep another set in check. Now, here's where it gets really funny. See, this Shi'ite group is getting Iranian weapons and we can't (or won't) ask them to stop using said weapons against their Sunni enemies. So, we are now funding the Sunnis to try to keep the Shi'ites in check. The catch there is that they are allies with.... Al Qaeda! It's actually WAY more complicated than just what I described above, but that's the important bit. Hell, we may be help AQ out by helping their Sunni allies. It's truly absurd. Incidentally, if I have gotten it wrong above and you can better explain what's up, please take over in the comments section because Hersh's article is a little confusing and I may have misunderstood a thing or two. That said, I'm really beginning to find it hilarious that the Bush Admin can talk about how us leaving Iraq would "embolden our enemies" while: 1) the British leaving doesn't (it's a sign the Brits have succeeded!) 2) how us staying isn't EXACTLY what AQ wants 3) the ever-growing body count of Americans and Iraqis doesn't seem to have any effect on the souls of the men running this war I'm also puzzled as to how no one, on the world stage at least, is calling a spade a spade by pointing out that this has all been one giant, callous, cynical, amoral attempt to war profiteer like no one else in the history of man has. Seriously, if you think Bush didn't have a plan and the Democrats are STILL letting him get away with it after FOUR YEARS, you're not facing reality. This is all going according to plan, sadly. It's making a lot of people a lot of money and those ever-richer people don't give a shit about the lives of poor people and other "suckers" who thought they were fighting for their country. I'm going to have to blog more on this very soon...


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