Friday, March 02, 2007

John Edwards Visits No and SoCal Go See Him!

OK, so I don't tend to like politicians very much. I think they're all corrupt in varying degrees and never seem to really say what they think. While I think John Edwards is still one of those people, I do think he speaks the truth more than most politicians do. In fact, I had never donated money to a campaign before I donated to his before he lost the Dem primary back in 2004. What about Edwards made me donate money? It's how he described America. He said there were two. One made up of the rich folks and another for the poor. He's come the closest to admitting that there is a class war going on in America. This trumps everything else--racism, sexism, homophobia--all of those things are just distractions from the fact that the system favors the rich and pees on the poor. No, those were not his words, but I believe that is generally how John Edwards looks at things. Now, I'd like to vote for an independent candidate come November of 2008, but if there isn't one I like and Edwards is still standing, I'm going to vote for him. Yes, he talks of the "two Americas" while owning a mansion that he bought with money he made as a trial lawyer, but so what? I don't see that as significant if he's willing to walk his talk. How many other rich white men talk about how the system is designed to be unfair to the poor? Here's the info on where he'll be talking as it appears in the email I got from his campaign:
* WHEN: Sunday, March 4, 2007 - 2:30pm * WHERE: Berkeley, California YWCA Berkeley 2600 Bancroft Way Located near Berkeley or Rockridge BART For more information please call 209-648-2578. [|If you plan to attend, please respond by clicking here.] AND * WHEN: Monday, March 5, 2007 - 5:00pm * WHERE: UCLA Kerckhoff Patio (up the hill from Bruin Plaza) University of California, Los Angeles 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, California [|If you plan to attend, please respond by clicking here.] These events are free and open to the public. No RSVP or tickets required. We hope you will be able to join us!
I'd like to go to the UCLA one, but I'm at work until 6pm and can't afford to take any more time off this month. I'm losing 6 work days thanks to a family trip and a friend's wedding--I really can't take that time off, but I'll be doing a lot of novelling and scripting during much of that time, too. Still that much less in the bank account is going to sting, regardless. So, I can't spare even a couple hours... after all, I know which of Edwards' two Americas I live in! Oh and if you go to either event, take some pics and either send 'em to me or link to them in the comments and tell me how it went. I'd love to live vicariously through you. :) If you can't make it, why not check out and see if he's the right guy for you?

Orignal From: John Edwards Visits No and SoCal Go See Him!

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