Thursday, January 08, 2009

$1.2 TRILLION Deficit! Well-done, Politicians! Oh, it's not just Bush's fault!

Yep, the US government's budget deficit is $1,200,000,000,000!! And
Congress is said to find that number "jaw-dropping."
I'm pretty sure this would be the case for ANYone who understood what
kind of money that is.
First off, in case you're fuzzy on it, the budget deficit is the
difference between the amount of money a body has and the amount it
wants to spend. Yep--the USG wants to spend $1.2 tril more than
they've got--that being a "surprise" to Congress, really gives us an
idea of how much they've got!
The main thing to consider is just how absurd it is that Congress
finds this jaw-dropping. Why is this so shocking to them? Where have
they been all of this time? Have they not been paying attention to
things like this? Seriously:
Just who the hell is minding the store down there in Washington??
I don't think it's possible for our government to do anything more to
undermine our confidence in it.
Come on--how do you not see a hole so big you could stick $1.2 trillion in it??
You people in DC are absolute idiots. Why do we put up with this
behavior from the people who we've supposedly hired to protect us?
This isn't just a Bush thing, clearly--it's EVERYONE IN WASHINGTON.
I suppose it's too much to ask that you all impeach yourselves, isn't it?

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

Orignal From: $1.2 TRILLION Deficit! Well-done, Politicians! Oh, it's not just Bush's fault!

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