Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Climate Change Cartoon Explains the Really Really Bad Stuff

Yeah, yeah, I know--it's ANOTHER explanation of global warming/climate change and you've heard it all before, right? Well, no, I don't think you've heard everything this 'toon has to tell you. Basically, up to this point, the message is that CC and GW are just going to effect the weather patterns. Maybe a few people have talked about how it'll make finding water harder, but this goes far beyond--it talks about the tipping point--the point at which everything will get exponentially worse regardless of what we do. The changes that occur may very well be a much faster change than most folks have been predicting. This cartoon also goes into the socio-economic issues that would result from CC and GW. As in: what people will do in order to survive (like kill each other for drinkable water). Finally, this film also goes into the role corporations and government have in causing all of this. The drive for money is what is holding us back, according to the filmmaker and I agree with him.

But enough of my blabbing, check out the cartoon and make up your own mind. Just don't stop watching because you know everything in the beginning--give it a few minutes to get to the new stuff. Trust me!

Wake Up, Freak Out - then Get a Grip from Leo Murray on Vimeo.

Please share this video. You never know, it just might make a difference!

Orignal From: Climate Change Cartoon Explains the Really Really Bad Stuff

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