Monday, August 16, 2010

Ever wonder what happened to the original Flipper? Well, at least she didn’t end up in a tuna can… ;(

Ever wonder what happened to the original Flipper? Well, at least she didn’t end up in a tuna can… ;(

AMY GOODMAN: What happened to the dolphin that you named Cathy, that we knew as Flipper?

RIC O’BARRY: Cathy committed suicide a couple of days before Earth Day, which was April 22nd, 1970, the first Earth Day.


Hit up that DN link above to learn how Flipper committed suicide and also learn about a documentary exposing serious cruelty to dolphins in Japan (yes, I know, Japan isn’t perfect!). I usually don’t care one way or the other about movements to “save the whales” or whatever. I prefer to focus on “saving the humans” first and then the whales. However, these dolphins are pretty intelligent creatures and if it weren’t for humanity’s excessive ability to be cruel, they’d not be killed for their meat. This is also a good example of “the great economic war” we’re all fighting—capitalism and the free market taken to the nth degree. Where cruelty, exploitation and morals aren’t an issue.

Just make the most damn money you can…

So sad!

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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