Wednesday, July 11, 2007


One of the main arguments against cutting funding for the war is that less funds doesn't mean forcing a troop withdrawal, but would mean the troops get less of what they need because the Bush Admin is going to keep them in Iraq no matter what. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so depressing, the fact that the Bushies seem incapable of even fathoming a withdrawal of the troops--it's everything according to their plan.

And they do have a plan--just like the Cylons on Battlestar Galactica. And like the Cylons' plan Bush's plan seems like a confusing, nonsensical mess at times not resembling a plan at all. The thing is, the confusing, mess-part of the plan is part of the plan. See, we're all busy thinking Bush is incompetent, while really, he's making billions for his friends in the military industrial complex. And you watch, when Bush steps down from power in January of 2009 (IF he steps down), he'll go right to a job on the board of the Carlyle Group--one of the biggest investors in the Mil-Ind-Com.

So, it should come as no surprise that Bush is now threatening to veto any new bill crossing his desk that calls for troop withdrawal from Iraq. See, if the troops pull out of Iraq, there goes his cash cow. Or rather, his cash herd. He doesn't care about the lives that are lost because he's a rich white guy and very likely a sociopath. Sociopaths are people who can't tell the moral difference between right and wrong.

So, sure, you could say he supports the troops--but only so far as they function as fodder to his money-making-machine.

It all makes sense now, doesn't it?

How do I know all of this is true? Because his dad did a lite version of this same plan when he was in the White House. Just check out the Carlyle Group's entry at right here:

Or just read about Bush's latest show of "support" for the troops at by hitting up this link: .


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