Monday, July 16, 2007


So, this is pretty annoying. While I don't like Hillary at all (war monger/globalist wolf in sheep's clothing), I am pretty surprised at John Edwards for doing this. By now you've heard about this, I'm sure--Edwards was approached by Clinton at one of those quasi-debate-things and they talked about, well, have a read at this cutting from [|a July 12, 2007 article] over at that [|I found] over at CommonDreams.Org:
The private discussion between Clinton and Edwards began when the former senator walked over to the former first lady to shake hands at the conclusion of the forum. The candidates were not aware that the microphone that Clinton was wearing was still transmitting sound.

"We've got to talk because they, they are, just being trivialized," Clinton said to Edwards.

"They are not serious," Edwards responded.

"No," Clinton said in agreement. "You know, I think there was an effort by our campaigns to do that. We got somehow, you know, detoured. But we've got to get back to that . . ."

Due to organ music and announcements that were being made in the background, the entirety of the conversation is not audible.

So, what the hell are they talking about here? Does Edwards think he's going to pull some crap, teaming up with Hillary to maybe get himself a VP slot again?

How can he talk about the "2 Americas" if he's going to turn around and help create "2 Presidential Campaigns"?

I remember when Ann Coulter (indirectly) called Edwards a faggot and Edwards came out and said something like "let's not even acknowledge she said anything, let's just ignore her". Meanwhile, his campaign sent out emails asking for us to fight Ann Coulter's hatespeech by giving money to the Edwards campaign going so far as embedding the video in the email. When I emailed back to complain the reply I got back thanking me for my feedback had the word "SPAM" inserted into the subject header. This is how they view critics of their campaign over there at Edwards Central.

Sorry, I know this'll make Edwards supporters around the country cry their eyes out, but I'm not supporting Edwards any more. He's still the best candidate in my mind, but he's fallen into the category of "lesser of two evils." Of course, he's still one of those evils, now. .


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