Monday, July 09, 2007

Ever Feel Like Just Not Having a Day At All?

Man, things have been supremely stupid lately. My FIGHT CLUB derived mantra ("Let that which truly does not matter slide.") Has been out the window this weekend. Between arguing with TheWife about how we argue (!!) and trying to explain to TheDad how he should treat me now that I'm in my mid-30s, I feel like I'm in high school all over again.

Last night, I thought of a thousand annoying things I wouldn't have to deal with were I dead. It's sad when there are so many annoying things going on that you think that "If I were dead, at least I wouldn't be dealing with all of this stupid shit."

God, I sound like I'm writing a LiveJournal.

I'm far from suicidal or anything, it's just that life is so retarded sometimes. Intelligent design my ass.

If I believed in God, I'd stop on a day like today. It's like: you want to praise Someone for this world?

The day I say grace for a meal chocked full of borderline-poisonous chemicals is the day I give up caring about myself and others.

I just wish more of us would do more of that--concetrating on the latter part of that statement. I couldn't care less if you believe in a god, just so long as you don't use said god as an excuse to exploit/victimize/hurt other people.

How did this post turn into a rant about religion?


I need a vacation.

A big, long shiny vacation...

/end of rant. .

Orignal From: Ever Feel Like Just Not Having a Day At All?

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