Wednesday, November 15, 2006


So, I get the latest newsletter from Illinois congressman John Conyers in my inbox today and I get part way through before I stop reading. The sentence that tripped me up was this one:
"As many of you also know, I have agreed with Speaker-to-be Pelosi that impeachment is off the table."
Yep. Nicely done, sir! /sarcasm Why am I so let down at this? Let me include a bit more of his letter:
Although we won back control of Congress, none of us should delude ourselves into thinking that running the legislative branch in a nation wracked by years of one party rule will be easy. We need to put aside any thought of anger or payback. Instead we need to focus on identifying and correcting abuses and pass legislation which serves the interests of the American people.
OK, that second paragraph above came before the line that tripped me up. Getting to the line that tripped me up instantly inspired me to email Conyers immediately. Here's what I said:
You've let the American people down. For political reasons you are allowing laws to be broken and criminals to get away with it. Since when is enforcing the law and convicting criminals revenge? You insult me and other supporters, sir. I am not interested in Bush being impeached out of revenge. I am not petty as you and other Democrats think. I am interested in the truth being known and the law being followed. You would sweep both the truth and the law under the rug to ensure an easier future for yourself in Washington. Why have laws if you let the people who break them get away with it? By failing to go after George W. Bush for breaking the UN Charter, the covert propaganda law and a great many other domestic and international laws, you send a message to the future that says abuse of power is acceptable. You and your party have disappointed me more than I can describe. I now fall into the category of a person who feels that all politicians are in it for themselves and are corrupt and power-hungry. Why else would you fail to go after Bush? So that you or other Democrats can rise to power and abuse that power the same way Bush has abused it. You were the one person in the government I felt was still trustworthy. You were the only person who spoke of impeachment. You silenced yourself to help your party seem more "moderate" and "reasonable." Since when is following the law and impeaching a leader who has betrayed the public trust "extreme" and "unreasonable?" If letting a criminal get away with it is what it means to be reasonable, I'll be unreasonable for the rest of my life and I won't be voting for Democrats ever again. I'll be sure to encourage others to vote third party, too. Or, you could do your job and impeach Bush. It's not too late. Don't let yourself and your morals get squashed by the game of politics. FIGHT. FIGHT for your country! FIGHT for the people who elected you! SET a good example for the future! Please.
Let's hope he listens. You should email your congressperson, too, and tell him what you think. I need to contact mine, here in LA, as well, and make sure he knows that impeachment isn't about revenge--it's about the US Constitution.


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