Friday, May 11, 2007


Positive Experience/Entertaining?Uhhhh no. Wait...there was that one moment with Sandman and Venom was cool towards the end...Oh! Bruce Campbell is funny! Besides that? Most of it was embarrasing to watch, klunky choices all around, convoluted and had absolutely no pacing or understanding of the passage of time. Oh, and remember that cool villain in black that is on all the billboards and posters and trailers here in LA? He shows his ass very late in the movie, almost as a "oh yeah, he's supposed to be somewhere in here." And Mary Jane is bitchy as all getout.
Technically any good?Someone should give Hayden Church (Sandman) the award for "most simple acting job for a Sam Raimi movie". While the character was two dimentionally written, his depiction of Sandman was the only one who touched me in any way, a! nd the animators really captured his plight. Thought the Venom and Sandman CG was really well done, but the action sequences were frenetic...or maybe I'm becoming old and crotchity.
How did it leave me feeling?I want to sit Sam Raimi down and explain to him that sometimes scripts need to have a few more edits before being brought to set, and to concentrate more on reality when it comes to a Spiderman movie. Oh, and to tell him that putting obvious eyeliner on a character and mussing his hair is a very poor way to show that he's become EVIL! EVIL I SAY!
Final Rating? DNS - or at best catch it on FX while you're sitting on your couch at home, eating or making paper airplanes, or myspacing on your laptop. Then you can work while the dialogue is happening, mute it during the dance number, and look up just to watch the action sequences.

Orignal From: SPIDERMAN 3

1 comment:

Serpen Phlox said...

Sam Raimi prostituted Venom’s image and destroyed Spiderman franchise, we want a change, we want Guillermo del Toro directing Spiderman 4.