Thursday, July 01, 2010

MUST WATCH: BP Oil Disaster 1st hand account pls Reblog/RT/share: Kindra Arnesen Venice LA Needs to Evacuate

This is some serious scary stuff. Basically a Louisiana woman managed to end up on the inside of BP's operations in the Gulf and says they are trying to "cut costs" on the clean-up and hide the fact that they're not doing everything they can to clean up the mess they made. They're also refusing to allow volunteer workers to use respirators as people (including her daughter) are getting sick from exposure. She also points out that we're looking at the contamination of 1/3rd of the world's water--she says this will happen because all water is connected.

I'd just like to give a shout-out to the USG for being ball-free and unwilling to drop the hammer on these fuck-heads running BP.

You know, how, in a serial killer movie, when the lone FBI agent finds him/herself up against the killer--and he/she must ultimately abandon his/her goal of fighting for justice and just drop this murdering psychopath where he stands?

Yeah, that's where we're at in all of this.

BP is the corporate version of a movie serial killer and the USG is the serial killer's mom who thinks her son is just misunderstood.

Fuck this government if they can't do the right thing ever.

Revoke their corporate charter. If China can do it to Google we can do it to BP.

Kill BP.

End them and take charge.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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