Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Now CHINA has an oil spill, too! Time to learn a lesson here, people!!

screencap source:

So, nice that we're already seeing headlines that say "worse than thought."

Hopefully, the Chinese are learning from BP's mistakes.  Here's the caption for the video shown above:

Efforts to clean up an oil slick are continuing in China, amid fears strong winds have dispersed the pollution more widely than previously been thought.

Shipments of oil from the north to the industrial belt in the south have been disrupted since the accident.

The oil spilled into the sea in North East China after two pipelines exploded on Friday night.

The environmental group Greenpeace says the spill is China's worst in recent memory.

Yeah, but Greenpeace says EVERY spill is the "worst in recent memory."  ;)

But seriously, if this isn't ANOTHER good example of why we need to cut back on oil, I don't know what is.  How many spills will it take before we start to seriously minimize our use of the stuff?

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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