Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Hey, so way back on December 9 of 2006, the Saudi king made an interesting observation about how it's all going to shit in the Middle East. In short, he said things were bad and have the potential to get much much worse. Check out this cutting from [|an article] from available over at
Saudi King Abdullah opened the annual summit of Gulf leaders with a warning that the Arab world was on the brink of exploding because of conflicts in the Palestinian territories, Iraq and Lebanon. "Our Arab region is besieged by a number of dangers, as if it was a powder keg waiting for a spark to explode," he told the rulers of the oil-rich monarchies gathered in Riyadh for a two-day meeting to the backdrop of mounting sectarian violence in neighboring Iraq. The Palestinians were reeling from "a hostile and ugly occupation" by Israel while the international community watched their "bloody tragedy like a spectator," Abdullah said. But "most dangerous for the (Palestinian) cause is the conflict among brethren," he said in a reference to the differences between Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas's Fatah faction and the Islamist Hamas movement that have blocked the formation of a unity government. In Iraq "a brother is still killing his brother," Abdullah said of the tit-for-tat killings between the Sunni Arab former elite and the ruling Shiite majority.
He goes on to point out more problem centers and the funny thing is, I can't help but point out the reason for all of the problems just happens to be America or one of her allies. The Palestinian "problem" is thanks to US ally Israel's continued insistence on occupying Palestine (what the hell do they want it for at this point, anyway??). Iraq, of course, is only suffering sectarian violence because America's involvement there has stirred it up. Before America invaded Shia were married to Sunni and vice versa. There was very little sectarian strife according to every Iraqi I've heard or seen interviewed who wasn't on a mainstream western news source (and even some who were). In Lebanon, we've had our fingers in the pie there in years past and some say we still do now. Of course, the only reason Iran is having any trouble with us is because we've got this absurd double standard that only Muslim countries we like are allowed to have nukes. And, like the late Saddam's Iraq before them, Iran is saying what we claim we want to hear -- that, in this case, Iran is not going to use their nukes for weapons, only for energy. Of course, Saddam insisted he had no WMD and look what it got him: a hangman's noose. It got us a lot of dead soldiers, even more dead Iraqis and a shitload of wasted money. Saddam may have been a bad guy, but you can't deny that Iraq was a much more stable place before we got there. So this is where we are and while someone like the Saudi king is willing to point out the problems no one seems to be willing to call out America and her interests as the cause of said problems. What is wrong with the world? Don't answer that -- I know. It's America. There is no check or balance to stop us from doing what we want. Really, there never has been.


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