Wednesday, January 31, 2007

STATE OF THE EMPIRE 2007 with quips! Pt 5

Here we are STILL with the State of the Empire speech! Man, Bush is long-winded! Well, his speech-writers are, anyway. Hokay, here's more of Bush with quips!
We know with certainty that the horrors of that September morning were just a glimpse of what the terrorists intend for us – unless we stop them.
"BOO!" Jesus Fucking Christ. You are such a liar. How could you possibly know "with certainty" what terrorists intend for us when you couldn't even tell that Saddam didn't have WMD??? Actually, you could tell, you just didn't want to--but that is another story... But beyond that, enough with the fear, you coward. You have to keep using the bullshit to keep us scared, and in the process, you forget everything this country stands for. Give me liberty or give me death, bitch. You should be ashamed to use talk like that at all. The terrorists are retards just like you. In the past 15 years, they've had a total of TWO successful attacks on US soil. TWO. They're morons. They don't know us and are trained in religious schools, not CIA schools. They may want to see us enveloped in a mushroom cloud, but they have next to no means to actually make it happen. Could they get lucky? Sure, and I could win PowerBall.
With the distance of time, we find ourselves debating the causes of conflict and the course we have followed. Such debates are essential when a great democracy faces great questions. Yet one question has surely been settled – that to win the war on terror we must take the fight to the enemy.
Uh, NO. If HISTORY has settled one question, you don't get into a war until ONE IS ALREADY STARTED. That way, if no one does anything illegal (link invade a country that hasn't attacked anyone else) then there will never be a full-fledged war again. At least, that's how it COULD work.
From the start, America and our allies have protected our people by staying on the offense.
-ive. I believe the phrase is "being on the offensIVE". Or maybe, George, "offensive" is just what you are to so many people?
The enemy knows that the days of comfortable sanctuary, easy movement, steady financing, and free flowing communications are long over.
Yeah, the Internet is SO dead. There's NO WAY terrorists can use email, instant messaging, web pages or Skype to communicate! Naaaaww!
For the terrorists, life since Nine-Eleven has never been the same.
I thought life has never been the same for us. Isn't there a difference between "pre-911" and "post-911" thinking?
Our success in this war is often measured by the things that did not happen.
!! I seriously don't think anyone read that last sentence out loud before handing the speech to Bush. I mean, I know there are known knowns and unknown knowns, but successes that didn't happen? OK, let's put the sheer absurdity of that line aside... 1) How often is success measured, anyway??? 2) Measuring success by things that don't happen is sooo easy, though! Why, my attempt to keep Earth safe from Martians is a raging success, isn't it? I don't see any little green men around, do you? My farts are strong enough to repel entire Martian armadas, yet are scentless to any human. Just ask any Martian how bad my farts smell to them and they'll tell you -- WAIT, there ARE no Martians around! Why? My farts! That's why! 3) Measuring success is also easy when you don't bother to define what success even is in this "new kind of war."
We cannot know the full extent of the attacks that we and our allies have prevented –
"But I'm sure they were gonna be HUGE! Just trust me on this."
but here is some of what we do know: We stopped an al Qaeda plot to fly a hijacked airplane into the tallest building on the West Coast.
Ah, yes--the "[|Liberty Tower]" was going to be hit, right? Too bad the west coast doesn't got one of those. Yes, I know your press people corrected you post-speechously, but the point is, you are so entrenched in your own propaganda that you called the Library Tower a word more fitting in your psy-optic fun and games. A year ago, when you first broke the story about foiling the AQ plot to crash a plane into the "Liberty Tower", I explained in [|a blog post] that you're in a position to make up any damn thing you want. So, YET again, I ask: WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE YOU?
We broke up a Southeast Asian terrorist cell grooming operatives for attacks inside the United States.
Wow--totally don't remember that in the news at all. You sure they weren't just bootleggers trying to sell the latest box office hit on DVD for a dollar in Hong Kong?
We uncovered an al Qaeda cell developing anthrax to be used in attacks against America.
Hey, when the hell was this? You got some dates, here? I remember a case like this that was foiled by a concerned Muslim who ratted out some wannabe terrorists in his apartment building. This was in 2002, I think and it was the guy that foiled the plan, not the USG or DHS or whatever.
And just last August, British authorities uncovered a plot to blow up passenger planes bound for America over the Atlantic Ocean.
Yeah, that plot, if memory serves ended up being urged on by American authorities and ultimately UK authorities ended up releasing a bunch of them without charges. I know I blogged on it, but I can't find the post for some reason. Not sure what happened to them after that. But citing a British success is kinda lame, man--I MEAN--king.
For each life saved, we owe a debt of gratitude to the brave public servants who devote their lives to finding the terrorists and stopping them.
Yes, but how many lives have really been saved? It could be a lot, it could be none. Based on the two successful terrorist attacks by AQ on US soil, I'd guess the body count would be pretty low. The 93 bombing killed less than ten people and 911 was 3000. I think 911 was a fluke, since generally terrorist attacks fail entirely. That said, I do appreciate all the people who are vigilant in the quest to capture terrorists. I do NOT appreciate people like you, King George, who insist on scaring us all the time and taking away our rights, just because of some imagined threat. I agree terrorists exist, but the odds of being killed by one are astronomically against.
Every success against the terrorists is a reminder of the shoreless ambitions of this enemy.
That's funny, my Mac's spellcheck doesn't think "shoreless" is a word. Of course, my Mac's spellcheck doesn't think "spellcheck" is a word, which, you would think, would cause a rip in the timespace continuum. Whoops. "Timespace" isn't a word, either. K, enough digression! "Digression" IS a word...
The evil that inspired and rejoiced in Nine-Eleven is still at work in the world.
Obviously! You still have a job! Evil isn't in using terrorism to strike back at your perceived enemies--it's desperation. Evil is being the stronger, tougher one and picking on someone who isn't your own size.
And so long as that is the case, America is still a Nation at war.
With whom? I never thought you could have a state of war unless it was with another country. Ah well, if you don't define "success in Iraq" I guess I can't be too surprised when you don't define "war".
In the minds of the terrorists, this war began well before September 11th, and will not end until their radical vision is fulfilled.
Yeah, and your war on them only began on 911--in your mind.

Orignal From: STATE OF THE EMPIRE 2007 with quips! Pt 5

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