Monday, December 18, 2006


So, Time magazine has named "You" a the Person of the Year. They're saying that each of us who has taken part in creating content for the Web in some form or another we each get credit for having an effect on millions of people. That all sounds real nice and stuff, but when you consider that the majority of what's on the 'net is either porn or teenage angst, you wonder how much effect any of us caring folks actually has. What's really sad is that Time is right--we each do have power as individuals. Something like a blog or a podcast can reach people and really can make a difference. In theory. The problem is that we're not thinking about what we're doing, generally speaking. SO many of us were against the Iraq war and many of us blogged, vlogged, protested and did other things in the hopes that some of it would stop Bush from invading a country that didn't need invading. None of it made any difference. Yet, I believe that Time Magazine has tipped its hand. This whole "the individual can change the world" thing is a puff piece through and through. But that doesn't mean it's not true. The thing is, you can't let the Time Magazine piece lead you to believe everything is cool. That's what it does to most people. "Oh, isn't that great? One person can make a difference!" Then you go back to your dayjob and never give a second thought to what your company does, how it damages the world around it, let alone any possible dreams you might have had. Don't be a cog. Get involved, do your research. Don't let just one news source tell you about the world. Learn from many sources. And for God's sake SPEAK UP! Be vocal. Blog, post pictures, shoot videos. SPEAK YOUR MIND. Let the world (and especially politicians) know what you think. It's easy once you get going. Time Magazine is right! Individuals can make a huge difference! But only if they BOTHER.


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