Friday, January 25, 2008

Bush "Jokes" About Being a Dictator :)

OK, I'll admit it, I still haven't forgotten the mess that was the 2000 election--I feel like we never did fully find out who won for sure. That aside, just a couple weeks after being named President (on December 19, 2000, source:…otes_3.htm ), Bush joked in the above video about how his life would be easier if he were a dictator.

"Dictator" or "decider," which ever you'd prefer to call him, with the signing statements he's added to hundreds of laws he's signed into existence (…s_of_laws/ ), he effectively has the power to break said laws when ever he wishes, and it seems, to many, that he has.

So, "decider" or "dictator," "tomato" or "tomahto," I sure wish someone in Washington would have the guts to call this whole Bush-thing off.
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