Sunday, January 20, 2008

XOCal XO User Group Meetup Pics!

So, we had our first meetup here in SoCal of the XOCal (XO Laptop Users) Group and I think it was a success! There were five XO users who made it and he had a good time comparing notes and discussing the strengths and weaknesses (mostly we talked the latter) of the XO laptop. We were able to chat wirelessly between four of us, but the fifth just couldn't get in for some reason. Sadly, it took a good chunk of time to get even that far, though two of us did upgrade to the latest stable build of the SugarOS.

ANYway, above is a picture of all of the XOs. It was pretty cool seeing so many in one place. Sure, we're not the DC group, but hey, we've got to start some place!

Check out more pics from the event at my Flickr:…s/thepete/

Thanks to Fricka and everyone else who made it!
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Orignal From: XOCal XO User Group Meetup Pics!

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