Saturday, November 28, 2009

CRACKED 50K! "Manhattan Story" has reached past 50,000 words!! But the story isn't over yet!!

I am ready to celebrate, believe me, but until I type the words "THE
END" following at least a chapter of wind-down which, in itself,
follows a HUGELY DRAMATIC climax, it's not done. Which kind of sucks
from my perspective. This is because every year I've attempted
National Novel Writing Month, I've either finished markedly early or
failed spectacularly. In 2006, I finished a week early. In 2007 I
finished two days early. Last year, I got about a week in and gave
up. What I'm getting at here is that I still may not make it!! The
goal is to have a finished first draft by midnight November 30.
That's Monday night. While I know it's possible I'll finish in

...I honestly don't know if I *will* make it.

Just tuning in? It's a fast read: or

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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