Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Just finished Chapter 4 of my #NaNoWriMo 2009 novel "Manahattan Story" with 8580 words down!

So, that makes just 41,420 to go. Wow. When I put it that way, it
still seems rather daunting still, doesn't it?

Hm, well, I should probably just focus on the fact that I'm already
closing in on the first 10k after just four days! Pages-wise, it's
even more impressive since I'm now onto page 45. However, I'm
double-spacing this year, so compared to previous years, I'm only as
far as page 22 or 23. :(

Regardless, I'm enjoying it so far. Have you been following along? If
not, why not give it a read? I don't use big words and, so far, I'm
not exploring any huge concepts or anything. At this point, it's just
a mystery/thriller. There's even a robot!

Check it out:

Or download PDFs for each chapter from it's page on TheWikiPeteia:

Do let me know what you think, if you do have a read. I'm always open
to opinions, good or bad. Just don't bag on the 1st-draftedness of
it. Typos, grammatical mistakes, and stuff like that are just not
important at this stage in the game.

Do the characters and story seem interesting? Do you want to know what
happens next? These are the questions I'd love to hear answered. :)
Thanks for checking it out, regardless!

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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