Monday, April 30, 2007


Well, if this isn't a nice little indictment of the two-party system, I'm not sure what is.

The most important thing to note is that, according to the guy who ran the CIA during Bush's build up to the Iraq Attack, Bush knew there were no WMD in Iraq but told us there were anyway. George Tenet now says that his "slam dunk" comment was "mis-used" by Bush and co. 3000+ dead Americans and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis later, Tenet secured his place in the history books as a guy who needed a $4 million book advance to convince him to tell the truth. Meanwhile, Bush, Cheney, et al, still won't be impeached. But here are some details from [|the transcript of last Friday's episode] of Countdown on MSNBC:

"There was never a serious debate that I know of within the administration about the imminence of the Iraqi threat, "nor," the former director of the CIA adding, "was there ever a significant discussion about the possibility of containing Iraq without an invasion," Mr. Tenet complaining in the book and in ! a "60 Minutes" interview to air on CBS Sunday that the administration twisted and misused his "slam-dunk" comment about the evidence of WMD in Iraq first to justify the invasion, then later to deflect blame onto Tenet and the CIA when no weapons were found.
Keith Olbermann, the host of MSNBC's Countdown went on to point out that the Dems were still perfectly responsibly for keeping the secrets Bush was keeping about the march to war:
When it comes to who else knew the American public was being lied to about Iraq, one Democratic senator now says you can add the entire Intelligence Committee to the list, Dick Durbin of Illinois making the amazing claim on the floor of the Senate that, while he and perhaps the 16 other members of that Intelligence Committee knew the administration was misleading the American public, he, perhaps they, kept quiet about it because, due to his position on the committee, he had been sworn to secrecy.


DURBIN: A few hundred feet away from here, in a closed room, carefully guarded, the Intelligence Committee was meeting on a daily basis for top-secret briefings about the information we were receiving, and the information we had in the Intelligence Committee was not the same information being given to the American people.


I was angry about it. Frankly, I couldn't do much about it, because, you see, in the Intelligence Committee, we're sworn to secrecy.


This is ridiculous.

So, which should be worth more morally speaking?

1) The lives of thousands of American soldiers and hundreds of thousands of lives of innocent Iraqi civilians.

2) Dick Durbin's reputation as a secret-keeper?

Every time I think I can't be more disgusted with our leaders in Washington, I'm more disgusted. It's not that I trusted Democrats to be honest, it's that I expected them to be ignorant. Instead, they were fully in on it but were too spineless to do anything about it.

These are our leaders, folks. Not a single one of them trustworthy.

So, in the end, not only did we "nay-sayers" know that Iraq had no WMD, but so did the Bushies, the Demmies and anyone with a brain.


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