Friday, February 22, 2008

Nuclear States of America and Sarah Meyer

As everyone is zooming off to their weekend today, I thought I'd finish up my posts for the week with a truly depressing post on the state of American nuclear weapons.

Come on, does EVERY post on a Friday have to be "light" and "fun"? Of course not!! And hey, this isn't all bad, read on to see what I mean.

So, there's this woman called Sarah Meyer. Her website is:

However, she's not your average blogger. She is part of the BRussels Tribunal Advisory Committee ( ) which is a left-leaning group that calls themselves "intellectuals, artists and activists who denounce the logic of permanent war promoted by the American government and its allies, affecting for the time being particularly one region in the world: the Middle East."

What she does is spend months gathering information on a specific important topic and then posts a literal bibliography of quality sources and excerpts from those sources regarding whatever the topic is. In January of 2008 (last month), she wrote about the state of nuclear America in a post you can read here:…-2007.html

Here is a quote from her post:

"NUCLEAR-armed states are criminal states. They have a legal obligation, confirmed by the World Court, to live up to Article 6 of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, which calls on them to carry out good-faith negotiations to eliminate nuclear weapons entirely. None of the nuclear states has lived up to it. Noam Chomsky (10.08.07. khaleej times / ICH.)"


"The US-NATO Preemptive Nuclear Doctrine: Trigger a Middle East Nuclear Holocaust to Defend "The Western Way of Life"

11.02.08. Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research. The controversial NATO sponsored report entitled �Towards a Grand Strategy for an Uncertain World: Renewing Transatlantic Partnership". calls for a first strike use of nuclear weapons. The preemptive use of nukes would also be used to undermine an "increasingly brutal World" as well as a means to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction:

"They [the authors of the report] consider that nuclear war might soon become possible in an increasingly brutal world. They propose the first use of nuclear weapons must remain "in the quiver of escalation as the ultimate instrument to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction". (Paul Dibb, Sidney Morning Herald, 11 February 2008). Excellent article, must read!"

To read more about NATO's plan for preemptive nuclear war at you can go here:

To read more about American nukes in general, head over to Meyer's post:…-2007.html

But be warned, it's very long and fairly depressing (I have yet to get through it all). However, I think you should take two important points away from my post:

1) It's great that there are people like Meyer who do this kind of research so that we all don't have to.

2) This kind of research works as a counter balance to the party line that is often spewed by the mainstream media who tend to parrot what the White House tells them to.

3) It's very important that we know more about America's own nuclear interests as it continues to rattle it's saber against Iran (read about US saber-rattling here:…-Nuke.html.

On that happy note, have a great weekend everybody!
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Orignal From: Nuclear States of America and Sarah Meyer

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