Sunday, December 14, 2008

ThePete's 12 Second Japanese Lesson #12: Counting to 12

ThePete's 12 Second Japanese Lesson #12: Counting to 12 on

The hiragana, romaji, and English for this lesson is:

いち ichi (ee-chee) 1
に ni (nee) 2
さん san (sahng) 3
よ yo 4
ご go 5
ろく roku 6
なな nana 7
はち hachi 8
きゅう kyu (sometimes ku) 9
じゅう juu 10
じゅういち juu ichi (literally 10+1) 11
じゅに juu ni (literally 10+2) 12

Now, these numbers have kanji that I'm not going to go into, but basically, all you need to know is that it's the difference between spelling out the word "one" and using "1". So, "one" in Japanese is "ichi" but "1" in Japanese is "一". To make it more confusing for us, they use both kanji and our numbers. But this is taking much longer than 12 seconds, so I'll wrap it up!

To learn more Japanese online, I recommend checking out Alex Brooke's (also visit his site to check out what else he's up to). You might also check out or pick up the book Japanese from Zero: Volume 1 if you want to learn offline.

Did I get something wrong? Tell me! I've got a LOT to learn still, so please help me and others by commenting. ありがとうございます! (arigatou gozaimasu - thank you very much!)

Orignal From: ThePete's 12 Second Japanese Lesson #12: Counting to 12

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