Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Why Bush Should Have Let the Shoe Hit Him

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Why did he duck? The shoes weren't even loaded!
As Muntadhar al-Zaidi becomes a hero across Iraq for throwing his Iraqi-made shoes at George W. Bush during a recent surprise(d) visit to Iraq, I couldn't help but think about how fast good old King George was to duck those shoes. Just last night, Steve Isaacs microblogged that he felt Bush dodging those shoes made the current occupant of the White House look competent and capable. That got me thinking.

In the movie Cool Hand Luke (spoiler alert) there's a great scene where Paul Newman's character proves his grit by standing up to the prison bully. He doesn't win the fight--he doesn't even get a few good punches in. In fact, he gets his ass pounded. The thing is, he keeps getting back up to get pounded again.

This is heroism, folks. This is taking responsibility for your actions. Newman's "Luke" wanted to take on the big man and put him in his place, but he couldn't do it with strength. So, he did it with honor.

So, it's natural that, like a weasel, Bush ducks the shoes as they fly at his face. That's what he's been best at all this time, right? Ducking responsibility for one colossal fuck-up after another.

911 wasn't his fault--it was the terrorists who hate our freedom. Forget that memo with the title "bin Laden determined to strike inside the United States." Forget that it's the government's job to stop things like the 911 attacks from happening. Forget that there used to be FAA regulations that allowed for USAF fighters to shoot down any aircraft heading toward populated areas. What happened to that regulation, anyway? I remember what happened to Paine Stewart.

Katrina wasn't his fault--how could they predict a storm like that and an aftermath like that? Well, National Geographic Magazine did.

Saddam not having WMD wasn't Bush's fault, either. How could they know that Saddam had no WMD? I mean, besides the fact that there was no hard evidence he had WMD?

Iraq being the absurd quagmire that it has become--certainly, there was no way to predict that! Of course, the British experienced it first hand... in 1917. I won't bring up Dick Cheney's own prediction of a mess back in 1992.

So, consider how just one of those shoes hitting Bush in the face would have made you feel. I know I'd have still laughed and played the clip over and over and over.

But him ducking the shoes?

Nothing new there. Just same old not-so-artful dodging from a man who didn't even have the decency to make sure he was properly elected... either time.

It just shows you the kind of spineless, fearful little weasel George W. Bush is.

It's a shoe, man. What's it going to do to you? Knock out a tooth? Break the skin?

Bush, you're supposed to be the president of the United States of America and you're afraid of a couple shoes.

Orignal From: Why Bush Should Have Let the Shoe Hit Him

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