Tuesday, December 02, 2008


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Positive Experience/Entertaining? Without a doubt! This movie was a lot of fun and actually had a interesting dramatic edge that I wasn't expecting.

Technically any good? Once you accept that Jack Benny and the rest of the cast (including Robert Stack) are actually Polish and not Americans, the film is pretty damn near flawless. There were a couple of contrivances to keep the plot moving, but there are enough genuinely wonderful surprises to keep this movie in the "worth seeing" column for sure. Benny is actually quite good as an actor and not just a very funny man in his role as a "famous" Polish actor. The ending of this film falls a little flat, but for a film made sixty-six years ago, it's surprisingly solid and even resonant. The dialog is so insanely witty I was floored by some of it.

How did it leave me feeling? Mostly satisfied and the only reason I don't say "completely" satisfied is because the ending is a little shrug-worthy, but there are some amazingly tense moments in this "comedy" starring one of the biggest comedy greats of all time. See this movie.

Final Rating? GSN - Go See Now--or at least go rent it or Netflix it--or hell, buy it. It's definitely something you want to watch more than once.

Orignal From: TO BE OR NOT TO BE (1942)

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