Tuesday, January 06, 2009

OK, For the LAST TIME, Israel Needs to CHILL.

So, here's the deal.

I've been writing about this shit going on in Israelistine, or Palestisrael (which ever you prefer), for many, many years. So, let me break it down to the simplest terms I can think of:

Israel can bring peace if they want to.

That's it. Now, please, consider the following:

1) Is Hamas, or anyone in the occupied territories a real threat to Israel? Or are they just a bunch of pissed off people with crappy, unreliable weapons.

No and yes.

2) Did Hamas even exist before Israel occupied the occupied territories?


So, doesn't that mean Israel is the root cause of this strife?

Let's keep going:

3) No one ever asks the question: What does Israel want by occupying these chunks of land?

Jerusalem? They have it. Now what are they doing with all of those Palestinians?

3) Does anyone really think pounding a house, a mosque, or even a neighborhood with weapons like the kinds Israel can afford will do anything but make people hate them more?

Terrorism is the result (generally) of a person or people feeling they have no other options--they have no voice, no control and think hurting people or destroying things is the only thing they can do. Keep reacting that way and you'll never stamp out terrorists--but you will create dozens more.

In fact, some might see the Israeli government's actions as part of a terrorist-making machine. In fact, if I were a corrupt leader who was more interested in keeping my citizens rallied behind me and less with their well-being, I'd say "kudos" to the Israeli government for doing what the Nazis did by giving the citizenry a unified enemy to always be afraid of. Well done!

So, in the end, who has the real power to create peace here?

The Palestinian terrorists who keep shooting their useless little rockets into Israel killing almost no one? Or the big guys with the undisclosed nuke program?

Israel can take her lumps--that's all they'll ever be. Hamas and anyone else in the occupied territories have limited resources. They'll never be a formidable foe or threat to Israel. So, the violence stops when the government of Israel stops acting like an abusive parent and starts acting like a civilized governing body. They need to treat the handful of terrorists in the territories as criminals because that's what they are.

When hundreds are killed in the name of stopping a handful, you have to wonder: who is worse?

Orignal From: OK, For the LAST TIME, Israel Needs to CHILL.

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