Thursday, July 05, 2007


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Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" is [|reporting] that a letter was found that explains that the men in the SUV that crashed into the airport in Glasgow, Scotland, were, in fact, terrorists. Here's a cutting:<blockquote><i>Two men accused of terror attacks in Britain planned to kill themselves in a suicide bombing, sources told CNN Wednesday after police found an apparent suicide note. <p> Investigators found a suicide note linked to the Glasgow, Scotland, attack, sources close to the investigation told CNN Wednesday. </p><p> The letter indicates the men intended to detonate an explosive device in the the sport-utility vehicle while still inside the vehicle, the sources said.</p></i></blockquote> <p> So, this is proof that the crash was terrorism? </p><p> Meh, could be. </p><p> This kind of thing always reminds me of how authorities found one of the 911 hijackers' passports in the rubble of the WTC. Talk a!
bout convenient! </p><p> Does life provide perfect little coincidences? Sure. But that doesn't mean things like this are <em>always</em> life's little coincidences. If lives and human rights weren't at stake, I'd be much more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. However, considering how so many authorities in both the US and UK have been supremely wrong about so many things, I think the benefit of the doubt should be retired from service for a while--at least when it comes to anything "authorities" tell us. </p><p> I've also heard other reports of the men being connected to a ring of muslim doctors claiming to be part of the global jihad against America and Europe. These claims were found on a website. </p><p> Hm... "authorities" trusting stuff they found on a website... I'm sure nothing can go wrong with that... o_O .

</p><br /><hr /> Orignal From: <a href="" target=_blank>GLASGOW SUV CRASHER SUICIDE NOTE FOUND</a><br />

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