Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ObamaWatch: Letting Us Down on Civil Liberties

See how wrong all those racists are? A black guy can be as
lame as a white guy! But I'm getting ahead of myself.
So, these five guys were in countries other than America. They were
literally snatched from the street, kidnapped, transported to other
countries, by American intelligence agents, via aircraft owned by
Boeing (Jeppesen is their parent) and then tortured in those
countries. They're now suing Boeing but can't have their day in court
because the USG is invoking the "State Secrets Act" to stop them. The
theory is that in order for the five guys to sue, they need evidence
from the government that proves Boeing allowed this to happen on their
planes. Of course, the USG doesn't want to give up said evidence
because, we assume, it will make them look pretty bad too, right?
Well, right or wrong, the Obama Administration is keeping the State
Secrets Acts firmly invoked.
Salon.com's Gary Greenwald makes the point in a recent opinion piece: "What makes this particularly appalling and
inexcusable is that Senate Democrats had long vehemently opposed the
use of the "state secrets" privilege in exactly the way that the Bush
administration used it in this case, even sponsoring legislation to
limits its use and scope."
So, now, Obama is protecting the Bush 43 Administration by keeping
this evidence secret (despite the fact we all know it happened). Why
protect the Bush Admin? My only guess is so that the Obama Admin has
the latitude to also use the Extraordinary Rendition program to
randomly kidnap people off the streets of foreign countries and then
spirit them away to countries where torture is legal. From there, the
CIA can ask questions, but locals can do the torturing. Well done,
Geh... now why did I buy that Obama sweatshirt and that Obama T-shirt?
Oh yeah: I had hope.
Of course, I'm not surprised by this--like I said, all men are created
equal--in good ways and bad.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

Orignal From: ObamaWatch: Letting Us Down on Civil Liberties

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