Monday, February 09, 2009

Republican Sez Path to Disaster Ahead if Stimulus Bill Passes, Cute How He Tries, Isn't It?

As if the Republicans have ANY credibility with America left at all, some Republitard called Shelby has announced that the current stimulus bill will send us down "a road to financial disaster." opposed to the last two bailout bills, passed under Republicans, that have led us to happyfunplayland with money trees and loli-pops for everyone!

Do these Republifools know how stupid they sound just opening their gobs?  

These idiots have become the Jar-Jar Binks of modern political discourse--and, as with The Phantom Menace, all We, The People, can do is yell "SHUT UP!" at the screen because the Democrats are still too polite to just call their "opponents" in Washington what they are.

Sure, one of Obama's guys did call out the Shelby-Unit's comment, but, as you can see in the screencap above, he did it with such absurd politeness that it pretty much doesn't count.  Lawrence Summer said that the Republicans "don't seem to me in a strong position to lecture about the lessons of history,"



Wait, the Democrats were riding that pony to war and economic disaster, too.  Where were they for the last eight years?

Once again, I return to my earlier point: the government doesn't really give a crap about We, The People .  The Dems are OK at pretending, but even they don't really care.  If they had cared, they would have stood up to the Bushites and done what the Constitution asks of them.

Read the whole article I capped above at here: 

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