Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Republicans Celebrate Bobby Jindal's Coming Out Party--Apparently, the GOP Likes Gays Now

The headline of that CNN.com article
cracked me up when I first saw it late last night. Turns out the GOP
actually used the phrase "coming out party" to describe Louisiana
Governor Bobby Jindal's turn at responding to President Barry's
Mini-State of the Empire address tonight. Jindal's appearance on
national TV (people still watch that?) is seen as a big deal for the
37 year-old Indian-American who was a US Congressman before taking
office in January 2008 (I read his Wikipedia article!). But is this married minority coming out of the

Of course not. It just goes to show you how effing clueless the Republicans still are.

They think they can "put a fresh face on the party" by making sure that "face" isn't white.

As if that somehow changes the bad ideas the party embraces. As if it means the Republicans suddenly like minorities and think women should get paid the same amount as men. As if "GOP" now stands for the "Gay Old Party."

That IS something to remember--the Republicans still don't like gays.

They still believe that a "pro-abortion movement" actually exists.

They still favor businesses and bankers over American citizens, think that Al Qeada and the Taleban are two mighty armies that threaten our way of life (instead of being two loose-knit bands of extremist losers) and most of all don't seem to mind when the American government commits domestic and international crimes (too late to impeach Bush, but he can still be indicted, can't he?).

Then again, the Democrats believe those things, too.

In the end, it doesn't really matter what color skin the face on which ever party has. It's all the (corrupt) business as usual.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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