Saturday, January 20, 2007


What America needs is an excuse to keep soldiers in, not fall back on old-fashioned bullshit reasons to kick them out. What am I referring to? Well, it turns out that the US Air Force has discovered that a very hot female staff sergeant has posed in the newd for Playboy Magazine. According to [|a January 12, 2007 article] from available at AZCentral.Com, Michele Manhart has been "relieved of her duties while the military investigates". Investigates WHAT? That's she's hot as hell? You can tell that just by looking at the pics (which you can find on the 'net if you do your own investigating). Now, I understand that it's against the military code of conduct to pose nude on active duty, so in that sense, I understand that she'd be in trouble for doing it, but I think in today's world when the military can exceed their recruitment quota only by lowering it first (at least that's what I heard on the Daily Show last week) and when they need to [|look to immigrants (some illegal) to boost recruitment levels, you'd think the US Military would be changing the more conservative (and stupid) rules that take people out/off of active duty. I'm starting to wonder if the US Military really wants to kill all the terrorists, after all. What I'm saying is this: CHANGE YOUR OVERLY CONSERVATIVE MILITARY CODE OF CONDUCT!! I mean, come on--which is more important? Killing 50,000 Al Qaeda guys or keeping the image of the American military "pure". On that front, I think the US Mil has already lost the battle. Seriously--US soldiers have been caught torturing innocent people, killing loads of innocent civilians (raping at least one of them first), and of course, failing to capture Osama after 5 years (and don't get me started on the friendly fire thing). They've been on the front lines as Iraq descended into violent chaos and as the Taleban began their return to power in Afghanistan and these guys are upset about some staff sergeant posing nude and partially nude (with the clothed part being her uniform) in Playboy? If I was her commanding officer I'd say to her: "Thanks for posing nude, I thought I'd have to sexually harass you before I'd get to see you nude!" I'm not being unfair to the military when I make the above joke, either. If you haven't heard of Suzanne Swift's case, you might want to [|read a bit about it]. But I'm getting off track. Even giving her the day off because of posing nude is absurd. I think it's is like the time they kicked out a gay guy because, well, he was gay or like when the FBI fired gay Arabic interpreters because they were gay. People, we've really got to chill about this sex stuff. Homosexuality has been around for as long as heterosexuality and BOTH are natural. If anything, killing is the abnormal, unnatural thing to do, yet American society glamorizes it everywhere you look. Movies, TVs video games--it's great to kill, but pose half-out of your uniform and IT'S TIME TO INVESTIGATE! Well, I'm going to go investigate those pictures of her as well... Very, very, closely... ...if you know what I mean.


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