Friday, January 26, 2007

School Bans Talking During Lunch...for Student's Safety...sort of

So a Catholic school in Rhode Island decides to ban talking during lunch after, as this article reports, "three recent choking incidents in the school cafeteria." According to the principal of Saint Rose , Jeannine N. Fuller, "the school's priority is the safety of each child." I went to Catholic school, nothing against them in principal. But God himself would look down on this school and say "WTF?" They're more likely to die on the drive on the way to school than choke. If anything, they should take the time to teach kids how to chew properly and how to practice the Heimlich Maneuver instead. Teach them to DO something, don't stop them FROM DOING something (ie, talking). I felt compelled to write an email to the principal and to the school in general. This email encapsulates my thoughts on the matter. If you want to email them directly yourself, go to their website. Anyway, here's the email: "Dear Principal Jeannine N. Fuller, Saint Rose School, by now you may have had multiple emails regarding your choice to ban talking during lunch hours because of a hazard of "choking" within the student body. You might as well ban walking while chewing gum, dancing while in high heels, driving in a car to get to school, wearing neckscarves, chewing on pencils, wearing glasses, growing long hair and putting them in ponytails, and riding bicycles -- all of these activities put children in danger (choking, tripping and falling, car crash, being hung, swallowing erasers, getting hit in face and being cut, hair pulling, falling and scraping knees, respectively). You might as well start feeding the children intravenously. Besides the inconvenient pin prick of the needle, this is the only way to protect the children from being human. Please stop this policy and let the children have the socialization experience necessary to grow up in this world. Lunch is a time to express thoughts, communicate with others, and learn essential cultural and behavioral skills necessary to grow up in this world. Don't take it away. Concerned citizen, S"

Orignal From: School Bans Talking During Lunch...for Student's Safety...sort of

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