Sunday, June 24, 2007

Project365 day 171 2007 06 20

Project365 day 171 2007 06 20, originally uploaded by thepetecom.

This was a funny pic. See, I was trying to get to TheWife's theater in

Silverlake, but the MTA buses were taking me through some seriously un-white

neighborhoods. Now, I've got nothing against the un-white, but I wouldn't

really hold it against them if they had something against my whiteness. So,

my survival instinct kicked in and kicked out my rational thought. Let's

just say I was stupidly scared for my safety there on the corner of Gage and

Avalon. :(

I think I took this pic so the police would know where to look for the body.

;) :(

Orignal From: Project365 day 171 2007 06 20

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