Monday, October 22, 2007

Out of the Apartment!

I've been watching an anime series called "Welcome to the NHK". It's about a guy who is a jobless, college-drop out who spends days on end inside his apartment making up lies for himself and others so that he doesn't have to go out. The Japanese have a word for this kind of person: "hikikimori."

I think it's extra ironic that I started watching this show in the middle of a period in which my income is very spotty and all of it stems from work I do at home. I could go back to temping, but I don't. I hardly ever leave my apartment and until today I hadn't really cared. I think that show might be getting to me!

Anyway, so here's the picture of me and my creepy wife being creepy out on the town--Westwood, CA to be exact--a place we've lived for FAR too long and are far too bored of. But, we're both pretty broke, so here we stay... for now.
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