Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Heading out for the first time in almost 5 days. Do you think I've dressed warm enough?

2 scarves, a knit hat, my Sony cans, my hoodie, a jersey, a t-shirt, button-down shirt and, around it all, my overcoat.

Like jeez, it's on 25 out!

What am I doing out at this hour? Why, I'm heading to the 24-hour Best Buy on 14th St. Why am I doing this? Because I slept until 2pm today (am wide awake), have a bit of Christmas cash left and (most importantly) I can. How many 24-hour Best Buys are there in the world?!?

Let's just hope I don't get mugged for my new Blu-Ray player on the way home...


Actually, there were quite a few folks on the train on the way down. I should be fine, I think.

Posted via email from thepete's posterous

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